Socially useful work is not only designing solutions for people. The solutions and technology used must integrate harmoniously with the environment they are in.
Our aim is to reduce multidimensional poverty which is often caused by trading activities that hamper the progressive aspects of capitalism.

Our business and its leaders are committed to taking decisive action to extend the benefits of the economic system to all people while protecting the planet Earth. We have made commitments aligned with the UN SDGs and other forma, until 2025 and they can be freely and openly viewed at the Council for Inclusive Capitalism.
This very environment is what people use to make a living and their livelihood is never negatively impacted by a solution developed by Tintley.

We were the lead sponsors at SAUPEC 2015. It was the largest Universities Power Engineering Conference in South Africa in 2015 at the University of Johannesburg. There were many great papers and youth innovations.